Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dr. Appell takes time to educate students on how to take care of their skin

Dr. Appell was invited to speak to gifted/enrichment students at Cherokee Bend Elementary school in late October.  They had just begun their study of the skin and were eager to learn more about it from their favorite local Dermatologist.  Dr. Appell explained how she decided to become a Dermatologist, what a day is like in her office and her favorite/most challenging part of her job.   The students had been doing research on skin cancer so Dr. Appell brought in photos and explained how to discover a suspicious spot.  The session ended with question & answer time.  Dr Appell was amazed that all the kids knew the names of all 3 types of skin cancer. They also knew that these were related to the harmful effects of the sun as well as tanning beds! 

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